Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About Counselling & Therapy

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"Psychotherapy is the provision by a qualified practitioner of a formal and professional relationship within which patients/clients can profitably explore difficult, and often painful, emotions and experiences. These may include feelings of anxiety, depression, trauma, or perhaps the loss of meaning of ones life. It is a process which seeks to help the person gain an increased capacity for choice, through which the individual becomes more autonomous and self determined. Psychotherapy may be provided for individuals or children, couples, families and groups."

Psychotherapy involves more in depth work than counselling and may be expected to take longer.

Counselling and psychotherapy are umbrella terms that cover a range of talking therapies. They are delivered by trained practitioners who work with people over a short or long term to help them bring about effective change or enhance their wellbeing.

People sometimes think that 'just talking' about things wont help them with their problems in the real world, but what therapy can show people is that they have often a distorted perception of what reality really is. So by changing their thinking they can often feel differently about their lives and make more informed and beneficial choices. In the words of Einstein:

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than to relatives or friends. During talking therapy, a trained therapist listens to you and helps you find your own answers to problems, without judging you. The therapist will give you time to talk, cry, shout or just think. It's an opportunity to look at your problems in a different way with someone who'll respect and encourage your opinions and the decisions you make.

Yes, I am available for a free 10 minute phone consultation to assess your suitability for therapy and listen to whatever it is you need help with.

Simply call me on 0409 106 175 or go to the 'Make an Appointment' page for more details.

For therapy to be effective, a minimum of once weekly sessions is required. Sometimes, people attend twice or even three times a week if they feel they need it at particularly difficult times, but it depends on the unique needs of every person.

Therapy sessions usually last around 50 minutes.

In the initial consultation, I will ask a few questions so I have enough biographical data to form a general picture of your situation, and then it is up to you to discuss what goals you might have for therapy and to speak about whatever it is that had brought you to see me.

The length of your therapy process depends on your situation and how you respond to the methods you're provided, so it varies for each person.

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